payment instructions
Your total order price will include the product price on the day of shipment plus any applicable sales tax. We reserve the right to change the prices of products displayed on this website at any time, especially the right to correct pricing errors that may occur on the website. Coupon codes, we will provide various coupon codes, which may expire at any time.
Payment Methods
We accept payments from the following merchants:
Upon successful payment of your order, you will receive our payment confirmation email. If you do not receive this email, please contact us at
Sales Tax
In addition to your purchase price, we will also charge you sales tax based on the applicable sales tax rate at your delivery address and at the time of your order invoice. If the sales tax rate in the state your order is to be shipped to changes before the product is shipped, the tax rate valid at the time of invoicing your order will apply.
Tax Exemption
If you are placing an order on behalf of a tax-exempt organization or individual, please email Be prepared to provide proof of tax-exempt status for the area where the product will be shipped. We will advise you on how to fax/email us your tax exemption certificate for us to process the refund. This refund will be returned to the original payment method used for placing the order. The name of the organization or individual on the order must match the tax-exempt certificate for the area exactly. We do not accept federal tax-exempt certificates.
Regarding Payment Time
Payment must generally be completed within 1-2 days after ordering. If there is any reason for a delay in payment, please contact us first. Thank you.